May 12, 2023
Quick updates:
- Made integrations / wordpress setup a little bit better: added verbiage that users must have admin or SEO Manager role, otherwise Wraith Scribe wouldn't have enough permissions to push categories, meta descriptions, etc.
May 11, 2023
Deepened WP integration by auto-generating meta descriptions, category(ies), feature image, and title slug. Will require All in One SEO or preferably Yoast SEO installed in your WP instance though.
- Added meta description, categories, slug on Wordpress widget in editor so you can modify them before you publish it to your WP.
- Auto-adds meta, categories, slug post should you post on Wordpress directly when you generate an article (works for both publishing to draft or live).
- Added feature image that is powered by royalty-free image search that can be directly posted into your WP account.
- Featured image will be automatically added to your WP account if auto-publish is turned on when generating the article.
- Easily modify your feature image via drag/drop from computer or just search for one via built-in royalty-free image search.
- Moved wordpress setup to integrations section instead of profile section of site. Wanting to make room for other integrations in the future.
- Added additional onboarding instructions on wordpress integration for optimal SEO (don't worry, takes only ~1min to setup per site).
- Fixed bug where closing WP window will disallow it from opening again.
- Fixed bug where closing insert image search window without adding an image creates an image of 0x0 pixels.
- Fixed bug where ONLY changing an image alt text won't auto-save, meaning you'll be stuck with the initial alt text you assign to the image if you don't manually ctrl / cmd + s.
May 3, 2023
Some updates around images and article failing to save.
- Added a button to let you add images via your computer or via search. This lets you insert new images without having to turn auto-images on.
- Adding your own images previously added base64 to the article. This breaks JS's ability to save it to my server; this is now fixed and your images are hosted on Amazon's S3. This is good because you won't have to have your Wordpress or CMS host the image / have less burden on your CMS.
Apr 21, 2023
Made updates so that the AI-editor has unlimited edits each month. For current members where you'd get extra credits, you'll be able to keep them going forward. For example, if your plan has 3375 tokens per month with 375 of those tokens intended for edits (and 30 x 100 for articles), you'll essentially get 3.75 articles per month for free, forever from now on.
Apr 5, 2023
Fairly large update. I've upgraded the engine to be GPT4 / ChatGPT instead of the old GPT-3, as I find it a little bit more capable and more accurate in identifying intent. The problem is that GPT4 is really slow. I may add a feature in the future that'll allow you to use either GPT3 or GPT4 so you can trade-off between faster / better article generation. But this may be unnecessary as OpenAI's compute generally increases over time (GPT3 was slow for a while but sped up by quite a bit in the Aug-Oct timeframe, for example). Other updates include:
- Now allows for not just H2 generation, but H3 as well (the AI decides when to break it down into H3). This makes your articles more easily readable since they can skim to jump to the most relevant section.
- Allowing for application-specific passwords when you hook up your WordPress account, instead of your admin password.
- Fixed bug where dropdowns still let you modify it when the article is loading
- You may not care about this, but I refactored / redid a lot of the backend, as GPT-4 allows you to push the prompts a bit harder, which requires a significant amount of changes on the backend. But this is good for you in the future as the codebase is now more or less pipeline based, which means I can add, subtract, swap new capabilities to the AI in the future with relative ease.
- Added UI to reflect this pipeline change. It makes the loading screen less boring, if anything (see below):

I've tested this on about 30 articles and it seems to be working well. But please let me know if you run into issues. As you know, AI's output is probabilistic, so it's very possible for there to be some underlying issues. But if you ping me on the bottom right on the support window, I'll be happy to fix any issues that arises! LOTS more to come. Stay tuned. TLDR: this is not a "sexy" update in that it doesn't add any new features, but it's a big one in that it makes the AI more capable and more accurate. But this update also allows for future updates to be easier, if that makes sense.
Mar 25, 2023
Fixed various bugs.
- Made undo/redo a little more well-behaved (fewer redundants states saved).
- Fixed wordpress publishing hotkey. Use ctrl+shift+2 to invoke wordpress publishing popup (previously it was ctrl + shift + w but seems like JS cannot prevent browser from closing all windows when this happens).
- Fixed auto save to address various timing issues. It will now autosave after a slight delay after you finish typing some stuff or making some edits. Prior, it saves every few seconds and when you close the tab. This can cause some issues if you have multiple tabs open of the same article.
Also, added a save button so you can manually save your articles. Ctrl (or cmd if you're on a mac) + s now saves your article.
Mar 19, 2023
- Added functionality to allow you to connect Wordpress accounts to your Wraith Scribe account. Passwords you send to us are encrypted and is thusly secure.
- Added ability to publish newly generated article as a 'draft' or as a published post to WordPress.
- Added button to editor to publish to Wordpress (as a draft or as a final post). This lets you make edits that you want to the article and then publish it.
- More robust handling of OpenAI disconnections in the middle of article generation.
WP publishing is new and comes with its own quirks. Things like automatic meta descriptions, tags, automatic thumbnail, etc. will be added as time goes on.
Mar 11, 2023
- Fixed a bug on multi-emails where turning off the feature would give you an empty email next time, instead of defaulting to your original one.
- Enhanced AI-evasion to be more robust. Prior, blog posts generated evaded all AI-detection tools effectively, except for GPTZero (where it'd mostly end up in the 'Some parts are most likely written by AI' a lot). Now, it will generally end up in 'Your text is likely to be written entirely by a human'. This is not a huge deal for SEO / blog writers since Google has stated that they don't currently care, but this can be good for freelance writers where many platforms are claiming they will ban folks if they use AI. Also useful for future-proofing should Google change their stsance and you don't have to go back and redo all of your blog posts.
Mar 10, 2023
Support broadcasting your backup copy of blog post to multiple emails to increase ease of collaboration and automating flows with Zapier, mailparser, etc.
That said, I do plan to improve the blog post AI by a bit more by adding more SEO features to it. Once that's done, my plan is to allow for automated scheduling of posts to WordPress (and possibly so hopefully in the future you wouldn't have to do the integrations yourselves.
Feb 15, 2023
Added a new feature where instead of just a blog title, you can optionally put a long description for the blog post. This'll help inform the AI to generate more accurate keywords (if auto-keyword is turned on) and to include specific details you want included in the blog post.
Feb 9, 2023
Added a new feature where you can now leave the keyword field blank, and the AI will create / research keywords based on the blog title you give it. This is a new feature that I'm still testing out, so if you have any feedback, please let me know!
Also fixed a few bugs (thanks to the people who reported them!)
Feb 1, 2023
Fixed another bug where if you pitch a title based on a keyword, and then have the AI write, it would create the article without redirecting you to the article page. This is fixed now.
Jan 31, 2023
Fixed a bug where larger articles taking more than 30 seconds crashes and never complete due to Heroku timing out. You should now be able to generate 1500+, 2500+ articles with no issue.
Fixed another bug where closing the window during article generation would take your credits, but not save the article.
Jan 23, 2023
Saw some emails of some articles failing to generate. Fixed some bugs to prevent AI output from crashing the server if it does some weird formatting. Sorry about that (this faster engine is still pretty new and I've only generated ~30 articles with it so I've had limited testing).
Hit me up if you see anything else, thanks! :)