You Can Now Publish To WP Pages!

Easily do evergreen blog posts by publishing to WP pages

Aug. 28, 2023

This is a relatively small update but if you've got a Wordpress account connected, you can now publish to your WP page instead of just WP posts.


Publishing to WP posts is a good, conventional way to do blog posts. But publishing to pages is evergreen. Posts are dated and can get outdated quick when Google's scrapers scrape the content.

So unless you want to refresh / update your content periodically, pages are better than posts in some cases.

For articles like "best X in 2022" -- you only need to update those once a year to "best X in 2023." But consider you have 1000s of such articles. You'd need to update these a lot, every single year. It may be worth it depending on your profits, but pages offer a way for you to be evergreen without tagging a specific date to your post.

When to use pages vs. posts

If you're doing news articles / recent events, posts will be better. This is because Google News looks at recency specifically. That is, dates in your content. The more recent the date is, the more "newsy" it is.

Pages are better for evergreen content, like "how to" or "what is" or "top 10" (without a year) type articles. You don't need to refresh them and you'll outperform corresponding blog posts that are dated.

Caveat here is that if you do a page with "guide 2023" then you'll need to change it to "guide 2024" next year, for example.

How to use this?

Under your publishing settings, you can now enable Publish to Pages to publish it as a Wordpress page. Disable it, and it'll publish the post as a WP post.

Likewise, in the editor you can check or uncheck Publish to WP Page in the WP publishing settings to choose whether it'll be published as a page or a post.